About Carol
Carol knew she wanted to be a writer when she was in the 4th grade. Always adventurous, she wrote her first book after college while at sea on an oil tanker where her ex-husband was the Chief Engineer (like Scotty on Star Trek). Upon her return to the U.S., Carol pursued her freelance writing career.
When a colleague referred her to the professional writers’ critique group, the Writers’ Club of Whittier, Carol applied for membership. She was the first unpublished writer the group ever accepted.
Joining that critique group set Carol on the road to publication, and she credits it with her success. To date, she has published twenty-nine books, around 200 articles in national publications, and two short stories. She was a regular contributor to high-tech magazines, such as PC Novice and Smart Computing. She also has been an editor for major publishers and several magazines, is a guest podcaster, and has appeared on television and radio shows.
Because she comes from a long line of entrepreneurs, Carol had no trouble becoming an entrepreneur herself. She began her own technical writing business, producing user manuals for software development firms and proposals for aerospace companies. When aerospace dwindled in the 1990s, Carol started a publishing company and then her coaching business, where she shows professionals how to write, publish, and market books based on their expertise so that they can gain credibility, attract a high level of client, and become the go-to experts in their fields.

Carol has a B.A. from the University of Portland (Oregon) and an M.A. from California State University–Fullerton.
In addition to her membership in the Writers’ Club of Whittier, where she is currently the Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop Leader, she belongs to several other professional organizations. She was a former board member of the Orange County Chapter of International PEN and is a founding member of the following organizations:
• Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC) (former board member and current webinar co-host)
• Publishers’ Association of Los Angeles (PALA), the Los Angeles chapter of the Independent Book Publishers
Association (IBPA).
• Professional Writers of Orange County (PWOC) (board member for twelve years and president for three)
Carol is listed in Who’s Who in America, World Who’s Who of Women, Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in the West, and Who’s Who in Orange County.